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What I learned from using a cordless vacuum cleaner

April 8, 2023

In our house, we have two vacuum cleaners - one with a cord and a cordless one. I noticed that whenever the battery of the cordless vacuum cleaner ran out, I wasn't vacuuming as often as I would like to.

Yesterday, while I was vacuuming with the cordless one, I realized that if you want to force yourself to do something often, you should make it as easy as possible to do. Vacuuming with the corded vacuum requires more effort because you have to plug it in, watch out for the cord getting tangled, and make sure it reaches all the areas you need to clean.

This idea applies to many things in life. For example, if you're learning guitar, you should keep your guitar in clear sight. If you have to put your guitar away in a closet, you won't play it as often. My guitar is just a few meters away from my desk, and whenever I need a break from work, I play for a few minutes and put it back, waiting to be played again.

When I first started playing the guitar, I never practiced enough with a metronome (which is really important!). Now, I have a rewindable metronome without batteries that I can easily turn on. I find myself practicing more with a metronome because I don't need to use an app on my phone (and not get distracted by watching reels on Instagram).

So there you have it, make it as easy as possible to do something, and you'll do it more often! Whether it's practicing music or vacuuming.